Did you know that in 2013 there were nearly 37,000 charitable events hosted at Canadian courses
(25,000 in 2008). Using conservative estimates, these events raise more than $533 million ($473 million
in 2008 dollars) for charitable causes across Canada.
Golf is and continues to be a great driver for fundraising in the country. One of the favourite tasks of my job at Seguin Valley is coaching and mentoring those to host great events. So many groups benefit from our tried and true techniques. The sky is the limit when it comes to creative ways to raise funds for a cause.
Step 1: Enlist a strong team of “Worker Bees” The best events have great volunteers who are able to pull off the work. The return on an organized event is huge. By doing some visionary planning with a team and assigning tasks with timelines will allow for a well run event that people wish to return to again and again.
Step 2: Focus: It is so easy to become overwhelmed with ideas and advice. Take a few minutes to discuss as a team what the goals are. Who are you looking to have as participants. When is the best time to attract those people. What would the target participants find attractive. Those questions will help the team determine what to do next.
Step 3: Think outside the box: Cliché term but still holds merit. As an example: A cottage association wanted to host a fundraiser for their association needs. Their event was a fun Ryder Cup format with the Islanders vs. the Mainlanders. In addition to raising all the funds they needed to continue operations they also sparked a competitive chord in their lake which lead to future sell out crowds. They were challenged in the past of obtaining attendees and luring them away from their docks. Now this event is a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED event for their group.
Step 4: Use resources: The event coordinators at the golf course have seen success and failures. Use their knowledge to make the event run smoothly.

Seguin Valley can help you with Fundraising
Step 5: HAVE FUN
For more information about how Seguin Valley can help you with your groups fundraising objectives email us at info@seguinvalley.com
Visit: https://seguinvalley.com/group-golf-bookings/tournament-packages/