Business associations are a key part of the business of Golf today.
Every sector of the business world has associations serving their industry needs and advocating for change. At Seguin Valley the management and owners are active members of a number of associations. How these associations benefit our business and what they are doing to help the golf industry are reasons we participate.
The National Golf Course Owners Association:
Seguin Valley has been a member of this association for a number of years. Our General Manager, Gail Burrows is a member of the Central Ontario Chapter’s Advisory Board. The NGCOA’s role is to help grow the game of golf, provide business cost savings through negotiated group buying systems, education with industry trends, advocate for change in various levels of government, develop research and collect data on the industry and communicate with the other golf industry associations. Click to learn more about the NGCOA
The Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce:
The local Chamber of Commerce represents business in our community. The Chamber is very strong in our region. Seguin Valley has hosted their annual fundraising golf tournament, networking events and the Presidents Gala. Seguin Valley sees the local Chamber of Commerce to be a vital tool to be exposed to local business and to be a participant in municipal advocacy issues. Our Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce also provides us with membership to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The larger entities advocate business issues to all levels of government. Gail sits on the Board of Directors as Chair. Click to learn more about the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce
Georgian Bay Golf Superintendents Association:
Much like the Owners Association, the GBGSA represents the unique needs of the Golf Superintendents of our region. Liason with the larger provincial and national branches, our local association is a resource for networking, education and supplier information locally. Our superintendent, Darwin Howard has been an active attendee with the association events. In July we are hosting our GBGSA summer golf event. A great opportunity to expose our club to the area professionals. Click to learn more about the GBGSA
The Golf Association of Ontario is a membership we have to benefit our members. The GAO’s role is to grow the game, manage consistency in the industry with score keeping and support for rating courses. In 2015 we hosted the Ontario Junior Boys Match Play Championship. Click to learn more about the GAO
IPM Council:
Our membership to the IPM Council (Integrated Pest Management) is our reporting system for chemical applications to the golf course. By being members in good standing, we are showing good practices in herbicide, pesticide and fungicide applications on the turf. The IPM Council manages the qualified individuals by having a full reporting system that is publicly accessible to insure all chemicals are applied responsibly. They encourage continuing education. Our Superintendent, Darwin Howard has been a member in good standing since the inception of the Council. Click to learn more about IPM Council of Canada
In short, we utilize our industry associations to the best of our ability. They keep us informed and on top of new movements and trends. If you have questions about the associations contact us: